Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

You may be also having the illness with your pet called Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs.This is one of critical illness condition for every dogs.

If you are looking for the actual solution or treatment of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs in i think you are in right place.

Well,today in this post we will be covering each and every things related to Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs that you need to know which will help you to cure if you have the same illness with your dog.

This post has been written under the several research done on the web.Not only that but also i have also met with several veterinary physicians for the information of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs.

And after my lot of research regarding Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs when i realized that i can write an article which can guide every pet owners to prevent Tick-Borne Disease in their Dogs then i am writing this.

We have also posted several posts related to most common diseases and their treatments which you can also read from our blog .

Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

Tick-borne disease in dogs is relatively uncommon, but it’s on the rise in certain parts of the country. The good news? You can help keep your dog safe and healthy with the right tick-borne disease prevention tips. 

Here’s everything you need to know about tick-borne disease in dogs so you can better protect your beloved pet this summer and beyond.

But,Before we go through detail explanation about Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs let's first start with the quick overview of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs.

Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

Tick-borne disease in dogs is a serious threat to dogs and can be fatal if left untreated. The name of the disease itself is quite descriptive, but let’s break it down for you just in case. 

Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs means that ticks carry the bacteria or virus that causes this condition; these ticks typically attach themselves to your dog’s skin while they are walking outside, particularly near tall grasses or brush. 

Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs are spread when an infected tick attaches itself to your dog’s skin and injects saliva into the dog’s body as well as any of the pathogens found inside the tick's gut, which includes Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever among others.

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Some Common Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

There are many types of tick-borne disease in dogs, but some of the more common ones include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis. 

Common Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

Facts about Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs:

1) It is estimated that one out of every five dogs is infected with a tick-borne disease.

2) Most cases of tick-borne diseases in dogs show no symptoms or mild symptoms, so they may not be diagnosed early on. Some infected animals may go years without showing any signs until a secondary condition sets in, such as arthritis or kidney failure

3) Animals who have been bitten by ticks should be monitored for one month to see if they develop any signs or symptoms associated with tick-borne diseases

Here is the brief explanation about some common Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs:

  • Lyme disease in dogs

Lyme disease is a tick-borne disease that can affect dogs. It is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to dogs through the bite of an infected tick. 


Lyme disease can cause a variety of symptoms, including fever, joint pain, and lameness. If left untreated, Lyme disease can be fatal. 


Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent Lyme disease in dogs, including using tick prevention products and regularly checking your dog for ticks. 

With early detection and treatment, most cases of Lyme disease in dogs can be treated successfully. Tick-borne diseases in dogs can have severe consequences if not caught quickly enough, so it's important to take care of ticks immediately if they're found on your pet.

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever in dogs

Tick-borne disease is a major problem for dogs in the United States. The most common tick-borne disease in dogs is Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF).

RMSF is caused by the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected tick. 


Symptoms of RMSF include fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle pain. 


If left untreated, RMSF can be fatal. Treatment for RMSF includes antibiotics and supportive care. Prevention of RMSF includes tick control measures such as using tick repellents and removing ticks promptly. 

Vaccines are available for some types of ticks but they may not provide complete protection against all strains. In some cases, anti-tick medications may also be recommended if your dog has been exposed to tick bites recently or lives in a high-risk area where RMSF is prevalent. 

Rocky Mountain spotted fever in dogs is treatable with antibiotics but prompt treatment is necessary if your dog develops symptoms.

  • Ehrlichiosis in dogs

Tick-borne disease is a serious threat to dogs and can even be fatal. The most one common tick-borne disease in dogs is ehrlichiosis, which is caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia canis. 


Symptoms of ehrlichiosis include fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, and weight loss. If left untreated, ehrlichiosis can cause kidney failure, anemia, and even death.

Some symptoms of ehrlichiosis in dogs are different than other tick-borne diseases, so if you notice any signs of this serious illness, get your pet checked out as soon as possible.


The best way to protect your dog from tick-borne disease is to use a monthly tick preventative and to check your dog for ticks after spending time outdoors. If you think your dog may have ehrlichiosis, contact your veterinarian immediately.

A vet will perform a physical exam on your pet, diagnose the illness with tests such as blood work or urine analysis, and prescribe medication or recommend treatment options depending on the diagnosis. 

Most cases of canine ehrlichiosis are successfully treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline or amoxicillin; however if your dog has severe symptoms such as kidney failure or significant heart disease, more aggressive treatment may be necessary.

  • Anaplasmosis illness in dogs

Tick-borne disease is a serious illness that can affect dogs of all ages, breeds, and sizes. anaplasmosis is also a common tick-borne disease in dogs , which is caused by the bacteria Anaplasma phagocytophilum. 


Symptoms of anaplasmosis include fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, and joint pain. If left untreated, anaplasmosis can be fatal. 


Thankfully, there are several ways to prevent tick-borne disease in dogs, including using tick prevention products and avoiding areas where ticks are commonly found. 

If you think your dog may have a tick-borne disease, it's important to see a veterinarian as soon as possible for treatment. 

These conditions often go unnoticed because many people assume their dog has a run-of-the-mill infection or cold. If you're concerned about tick-borne diseases in dogs, contact your vet today to learn more about prevention and treatment options. ( Continue reading )

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Symptoms of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

The most common symptom of tick-borne disease in dogs is a fever. Other symptoms include lethargy, loss of appetite, joint pain, and lameness.


Symptoms of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

In some cases, tick-borne disease in dogs can also cause neurological problems such as seizures or paralysis. 

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it's important to take them to the vet right away for treatment.

  • Colorado Tick Fever

Another type of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs, this illness causes symptoms like a low fever, increased heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, joint pain and stiffness. 

  • Tularemia

Early symptoms that occur after infection with this illness include sudden onset flu-like symptoms such as chills, high fever, headache and muscle aches followed by swollen lymph nodes under the arm pits that make movement difficult. 

For some people, tularemia can be life threatening if not treated quickly enough. 

  • West Nile Virus

Symptoms are very similar to those caused by tularemia so if you have an insect bite and start feeling unwell shortly afterwards, it's best to get checked out at the doctor.

Prevention and Treatment of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

Tick-borne disease in dogs is a serious threat to dogs and can be fatal if left untreated. 

The good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent your dog from getting tick-borne disease, and there are effective treatments available if your dog does become infected. 

Here's everything you need to know about tick-borne disease in dogs. 

The most important way to prevent tick-borne disease in dogs is prevention. Make sure that ticks never come into contact with your pet by using products like Frontline Plus and Bravecto, which help protect against tick infestation. 

Treatment of Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

Check their bodies daily for ticks during tick season (spring through fall) to find them before they have a chance to bite. 

Also keep grass cut short during warm weather so ticks have less opportunity to latch onto an animal passing by or sitting down. 

Remember: ticks may look small but they have eight legs and often carry dozens of diseases with them—treat them with caution!

If your dog shows symptoms of being ill after exposure to a tick or experiencing unexpected weight loss, take him immediately see his veterinarian. Tick-borne disease in dogs is not common among dogs but when it happens it can lead.

Some FAQs Related to Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs: 

Are tick-borne diseases in dogs contagious ?

Tick-borne diseases in dogs are not contagious from dog to dog, but they are contagious from dog to human. This is why it is so important to have your dog checked by a veterinarian if you suspect they may have a tick-borne disease.

How to test for tick-borne diseases in dogs ?

There are a few different ways to test for tick-borne diseases in dogs. The most common method of testing tick-borne diseases in dogs is through a blood test, which can be done at your vet's office. Other methods include skin biopsies and PCR tests. If you're unsure of which method is best for your dog, talk to your vet about the options.

Can a dog recover from tick-borne disease ?

Yes, dogs can recover from tick borne disease, but it depends on the severity of the infection and how quickly it is treated. Early diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases in dogs is critical for a positive outcome.

Is there any long-term effects of tick-borne disease in dogs ?

Tick-borne diseases in dogs are serious illnesses that can have long-term effects on your dog's health. That's why it's important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of these diseases and to take steps to prevent your dog from being exposed to ticks.

FAQs Related to Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

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Conclusion to Tick-Borne Disease in Dogs

Though tick-borne disease in dogs is a serious issue, it is preventable. Vaccinating your dog and using tick preventatives are the best ways to protect them. 

If you live in an area with a high risk of tick-borne disease in dogs, be sure to check your dog for ticks after each walk and keep an eye out for any symptoms of illness. 

If you think your dog may have a tick-borne disease, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Once a diagnosis has been made and treatment begun, most cases will recover within six months to one year; however some other diseases in dogs are more severe than others so recovery time varies.

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