The Top 10 Ways to Properly Care Your Dog - Ultimate Care Guide

The Top 10 Ways to Properly Care for Your Dog-Some dog owners understand how to properly care for their dogs and some have no idea what they’re doing, and can even harm the dogs they claim to love so much. 

Ways to Properly Care Your Dog

Here are the top 10 ways to care for your dog properly!

1) How to look after dog paws

Dogs may be best known for their floppy ears and begging eyes, but you know what makes them really stand out? Their paws. If a canine is sitting, hopping or lying down, his or her paws are on full display. 

They're meant to grab things and catch sights that dogs can't from a standing position. A strong sense of balance keeps them steady on their feet (and two legs are better than four). 

The function of dog paws is so specific and essential that they're protected by law in some places—unless they get injured. How to care for dogs properly? Paw injuries require immediate medical attention because toes can get extremely bruised with even simple cuts on top of that.

2) How to feed your dog

The rule of thumb is that dogs need about 1⁄4 cup per pound of body weight. So, if your dog weighs 40 pounds he needs 10 cups of food a day. For example: if you feed him 1 cup twice a day and you don’t change his diet or portion sizes then he will be eating 4 times his necessary requirement. 

While it may not seem like much it can make all the difference in your dog’s health and wellbeing. Monitor what your dog is being fed on a daily basis to ensure it is enough but not too much. 

The last thing you want to do is create an overweight dog who is prone to all sorts of health issues as well as making them lethargic and shortening their lifespan.

3) How often you should walk your dog

There’s a big difference between taking your dog on a stroll around your neighborhood and hiking with him up Mount Everest. 

How often you walk your dog depends on his breed, his size, and how much exercise he gets at home. Generally speaking, every day is better than every other day—but if you only have time for one walk per week, that’s better than not walking your dog at all. 

Try using FitBark or another pedometer-like app to measure how far and often you’re walking your dog each day—and then set goals accordingly. You can also consider buying a fitness tracker made specifically for dogs (here are some options).

4) Is it time for a new dog?

If you’re thinking about adding a new dog to your family, think through all of the realities of daily life with one before you make a final decision. Remember that dogs have needs too—many need walks or playtime every day, require special food and care, and can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per year in supplies.

 Also, remember that dogs are very active; they need plenty of opportunities to run and play just like kids do! And be sure you have enough space at home for one. The size, age, and health condition of your current dog (if any) will determine whether adding another dog is a good idea.

5) Things you should never feed your dog

When you are considering what and how much to feed your dog, it is important to note that there are some foods that you should never give your pup. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center reports that some human foods can be toxic or even fatal when given to a dog. 

Toxicity levels vary based on the size, age, and health of your dog, but in general, it’s best not to give any human food unless advised by a vet. For example, chocolate is known to have a toxic effect on dogs. 

It’s not just chocolate bars either – think peanut butter-filled chocolates and baking chocolate chips (which are less processed than unsweetened baking cocoa). Dogs should also avoid grapes, raisins, and other similar fruits due to their potential toxicity level.

6) Find out why it's important to train your puppy early on

One way you can avoid a few problems in your dog’s later life is by getting him some training early on. 

According to Leerburg, a large percentage of behavioral issues in dogs arise from lack of socialization and education in puppyhood. By taking your dog out into new environments and being around lots of people and other animals when he’s young, you set him up with a better outlook on life and make his transition into adulthood much smoother. 

Dogs that aren't well-socialized tend to be more fearful or aggressive toward other animals or humans—and their problems only compound as they get older.

7) Caring for older dogs

An older dog’s needs will be different from a younger dog’s. Older dogs may have trouble jumping onto furniture or into cars, and it's likely their teeth are starting to hurt (no matter how much you brush them!). 

When choosing an older pet, think about whether you can handle his changing needs as he ages. If you already have an aging pet, be sure that your vet is aware of all your dog's health concerns and issues so he can provide optimal care.

 As always with pets, talk with your vet about any concerns you might have about caring for your older pet.

8) The appropriate times to spay or neuter your pet

No matter how strong your bond is with your dog, he or she will eventually cross over. It’s not just age that can make your dog’s life difficult. Life-threatening health issues can lead you to decide that euthanasia is necessary, whether it comes as a result of a long illness or following a sudden accident. 

But regardless of what leads you there, understanding how to properly care for your dog at home until his or her final moments can be one of the hardest things you ever do—and many people find it doesn’t even feel like they made good choices while under such stress.

9) Know when it’s time to say goodbye

Death is inevitable, but we don’t have to accept it. There are times when euthanasia may be best for you and your pet. Know when it’s time by asking yourself if your dog still enjoys life. If he or she does not want to go on anymore, it's better that you take their pain away. 

As difficult as it may be, consider what would happen if you decided against euthanasia, only to find out later that your beloved pet was in pain and dying anyway. 

You'll never forgive yourself for denying them a peaceful death. Euthanizing your pet is one of the hardest decisions you will ever make, but it can also be one of the most loving things you do for them.

10) Why you should take great care of an animal who can't speak.

Owning a dog is rewarding and fun. Not only can they cheer up your day, but they’re also great companions. 

Unfortunately, taking care of an animal isn’t as simple as having them on your lap—they require proper nutrition and regular health checkups. That’s why it's important to learn how to properly care for a dog before you decide to bring one home. 

The goal of these tips is not only to help you have a better understanding of what caring for your furry friend entails but also to guide you in starting off on the right foot with maintaining their health and well-being over time. 

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